__**Achraf's Hangout**__
:star2: **One and the first servers of the Aviation Games Team!** :star2:
--->** __Why should you be choosing us?__**
- Our server and our community is not just a server to hangout and games, we also contain Naval, military, gun, and Roblox! We worked as a community for 2 year ago, so we have a lot of time in the community and the server!
`What do we offer?`
__**+**__ :rocket: **The server and community!**
__**+**__ :flag_white: **A Reaction roles system!**
__**+**__ :robot: **Fun bots, custom commands, and Moderation bots!**
__**+**__ :rainbow_flag: **A server that supports the LGBTQ+ Community!**
__**+**__ :newspaper: **You can have news from some Roblox games without joining their server!**
__**+**__ :page_with_curl: **Embed information with a lot of details!**
__**+**__ :partying_face: **Lot of events!**
__**+**__ :airplane: **Muiti-topics!**
__**+**__ :paintbrush: **Nitro, CC (Credit Card), and many other giveaways!**
__**+**__ :hammer_pick: **A lot of staff and good staff!**
__**+**__ :camera: **Lots of channels to hangout in!**
`What do we want?`
__**+**__ :bulb: **More members!**
__**+**__ :man: **Partnerships and affiliates!**
__**+**__ :low_brightness: **Staff and more!**
__**What you should do now? Join us!**__
:link: : https://discord.gg/S7FAX6JcqW
**--->** *YouTube Channel:* https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2SU5uK0r0TBp83DhfQOezQ?sub_confirmation=1
**--->** *Dsc Link:* https://dsc.gg/achrafs-hangout
**--->** *Website* https://achrafchtaibi288.wixsite.com/website
**--->** https://tenor.com/view/discord-shaking-gif-19480852