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Charmed AU

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  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 2 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 2 years ago
  • dns Roleplay server
  • About this server
    Charmed AU is based on the original Charmed. We are a literate server and require one paragraph minimum posts. We are a roleplaying server and our story takes place in 2021 where the Charmed One's children are teenagers. Piper's daughter is 13 and has been missing for her entire life, ever since she was brought home from the hospital. Paige, Prue, and Phoebe all try to support her, as does her husband who not only teaches Magic School but has become a whitelighter once more. Demons are after Melinda's powers as she has the power to permanently copy the powers of others by touch or having them used on her. Will the Charmed Ones get to her first and teach her to use her powers for good? Or will the demons murder her and steal her powers, setting forth a magical battle between both good and evil that will devastate the world?