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The Realm of the Fae

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 61 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 1 year ago
  • dns Roleplay server
  • About this server
    Welcome future subjects of The
    Realm of Fae. The Realm of Fae is a timeless realm that has two kingdoms: Seelie and Unseelie. The Seelie are the good natured, bubbly, helpful, seductive, and welcoming to any human that comes there. The Unseelie are chaotic, mischievous, pranksters, evil, and cold. The two queens are from rival families that were raised differently and have different views of what is important, which leads to a lot of tension between the kingdoms. The realm is also split into four seasons, know are the Summer, Spring, Autumn, and Winter Courts. The Spring and Summer Courts are part of the Seelie Kingdom and the Winter and Autumn Courts are under the Unseelie Kingdom. Humans have also been showing up within the realm due to accidentally stepping into fairy rings that are place throughout the human world. What would you choose to be, Fae or Human? Which Kingdom and Court fits your personality?

    This is an open server for everyone to join in. We are a server that is looking to expand on our community and welcome new magical or mortal blood. We welcome everyone from all fandoms and LGBTQ+ members looking for a fun place to role play, chill, and make friends.

    What we offer:

    ⋆SFW Channels
    *Multiple different races to choose from
    *We have age roles
    ⋆Easy ticket system
    ⋆Tupper Bot to set up characters for rp
    *Special channels for those that verify 18+
    ⋆Helpful Staff
    ⋆Different kinds of roles to express who you are
    ⋆Fun, kind, sarcastic, and sociable active members
    ⋆We have voice channels for when you just want to talk and chill
    ⋆Fun emotes
    ⋆Planned/Interactive Events
    *We are also open and transparent with our members.

    If you would like to walk in the shoes of a fae being and be part of one of the two kindgom or be a human that stumbles into the world and gets trapped. We have many different races of fae to choose from