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Monster X | Roleplay Server

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 0 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 2 years ago
  • dns Roleplay server
  • About this server

    A roleplay server highly surrounding the dystopian genre. We’re a community looking to find active members, just as enthusiastic to roleplay as we are.

    In an apocalyptic world, monsters, as the main life form, face the everlasting plague of enemies that threaten to bring them to extinction. Those above the age requirements are released from the confinements of the academy designed to train them briefly towards their fight for survival.
    [You’ll find there’s more inside]

    Our offers:
    ○ detailed lore, open enough to allow members to enjoy the experience of world building as well.
    □ open to any writing style, even if you’re new and looking to explore roleplay!
    ○ Friendly staff, an owner mostly available to help.
    □ A range of roleplay locations (though still being worked on).
    ○ An artist available to draw ocs within the roleplay for members.
    + More!

    We're not the most active just yet, but that should change with more users joining.