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The Cosmicfiction

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 12 Emotes
  • call_made 2 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 2 years ago
  • dns Roleplay server
  • About this server
    *The multiverse as a concept isn't new. In fact, multiversal events of both cataclysmic or strange proportions creating a new world comprised of pieces of several others aren't new either. From rifts to arenas, these nexus are born and filled with people and constructs that inevitably form new civilizations and societies. Once more, a multiversal cataclysm occurs, and a new merged world is created. However, this world was not formed by the cosmic forces of the universe failing or by some form of necessity.*

    *No. This merged world was created by, of all things, human ineptitude.*

    The Cosmicfiction is a large-scale crossover RP centered mainly around a few franchises in locale (Guilty Gear, Blazblue, SMT/Persona), but with characters allowed from nearly any and all universes.

    We’ve got a focus on quality, good writing, and the smaller details. With planned events and player participation to establish this new world, there’s going to be a lot to do, so swing by anytime if you want to be a part.

    Submission is easy, too. Just give us the wiki link of a character, and we’ll likely approve it. Restrictions in power apply to non-trusted members, but those restrictions will quickly vanish with time.

    We’re still new, so rest assured there’s a place for you here. In fact, here among all the multiversal chaos, there’s a story for everyone.

    Will you take up your role in it?
