Ahoy there mateys! I'm looking for a strong band of scallywags to join me on a journey across the seven seas. Be it for glory, treasure, or freedom, we must sail and battle our way through rough seas, stiff necked imperials, and other contesting pirates.
Heya friends! This is a brand new rp server that I've got running up on Discord. It's a pirate themed world, soon to be filled with adventure and great fortune. I've got a bit of a flexible storyline plotted out, something to do with iconic treasure maps, pieces of a puzzle, and a final destination... which however, will not be the conclusion of the story, simply the ending of a chapter. I've got plenty of content ready to stuff this thing full of.
Right now, though, what I really need is an initial beta-test run. You know, speed-run a bunch of people through some of the initializing process, then ease them into a pre-set battle where they can get the hang of how things in the world work.
A lot of the major functions of this world closely mirror D&D, in as much as its turn-based and uses dice, with unique modifiers for each character. The setup is a little bit of a pain in the bum the first time through, but once you get into the groove of things I'm sure you'll be struggling to hold yourself back from making a 4th character.
I look forwards to seeing your friendly faces pop up over there to help start this journey with me.