❖━*Aegis Mercenaries*━❖
**✐What is Aegis Mercenaries?**
Hey friends! :wave: **Aegis Mercenaries** is looking for kind and friendly members for our small community and we also have a clan for games like VALORANT, APEX LEGENDS, and more. We also have a anime section for anime fans and a friendly community to bond with!
**დ❖What we offer:**
*დ❆:A friendly community
დ❆:Game clans
დ❆:Anime channels
დ❆:Movie nights
დ❆:Memes section
დ❆:Gaming community*
So join us now in **Aegis Mercenaries** if you are looking for discord friends to play with or chat!
Link: https://discord.gg/p53qdPCu4V