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Chernarus Law DayZ

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 1 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 3 years ago
  • videogame_asset Gaming server
  • About this server
    **NEW** Dedicated DayZ US PC Server CHERNARUS LAW
    Chernarus Law Dedicated DayZ Expansion Server Economy

    NEW US PC 1PP PVP PVE Expansion server

    Chernarus Law IP

    The economy in our server is based mostly on weapons trading, hunting, fishing, collecting silver, drug trading, bounty hunting, zombie/player kill streak rewards, and special announced admin events such as point A to B Police Convoy Ambush, PVP Gladiator Arena, Criminal VIP Jailbreak, and more.

    We don’t allow blatant toxicity

    Weekend only raids

    We have base spawn flag kits available to purchase for 300k

    Admins usually Active especially during evenings

    All admins are over 18 years old and mature

    Our member base is growing and our goal is to get to 100 members in the Chernarus Law discord in the 1st month being open and we’re about halfway there 😁. We want to thank all who have joined already.

    Mods running

    DayZ Expansion_ Saline bag+_ Adv weapon scopes_ Banking_ Vehicle 3PP_ Flip transport_ Snap heli_ Tombstone vanilla_ Car cover_ Bullet stack++_ Drugs+_ Cannabis+_ Nehr pickup lada_ Rag hummer_ Clouds military gear_ Mortys weapons_ Much stuff pack_ Mass mayhems overhaul_ REM arma weapons pack_ Rev guns_ Modular vest_ Trader_ Trader fixes_

    A police force group called CPD will be involved to go up against or work with who are all over 18 and mature.

    We welcome you to join the fun