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Project Florida Recruitment/Interview Server

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 0 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 3 years ago
  • videogame_asset Gaming server
  • About this server
    General Membership
    Promotional Video
    Coming Soon

    Application Link: (Must register first)

    Recruitment Discord:

    About Us:
    Project Florida Roleplay is a roleplaying community that was founded in 2021. PFRP is focused on providing members with a serious roleplay experience. By combining elements of both ESX and vMenu, Project Florida is aiming to provide a mix of fun and realism in a way that differs from other communities.

    Timeless hours are being poured into making the overall experience unique and tailoring the in-game content to be the best it possibly can. This is a whitelisted community, meaning that anybody who likes to join has to fill out an application. We have multiple departments at Project Florida that operate at a different capacity within patrols. Additionally we are looking for members that want realistic environments that do not involve guns or shooting on every scene.

    Staff & Administration (Limited Time Offer)
    Project Florida RolePlay (Under Development)
    Staff & Administration Recruitment

    ┃▸ Director of LEO Operations (2 Positions Left)
    ┃▸ Director of Fire Operations (1 Position Open)
    ┃▸ Director of Communications (1 Position Open)
    ┃▸ Junior Admins & Admins (Must have 3 Months RP Experience)
    ┃▸ Senior Staff & Staff (Must have 2 Months RP Experience)

    What comes with these positions?
    ┃▸ Admin Permissions on the website
    ┃▸ You become employed with the Internal Affairs Institute
    ┃▸ Admins Permissions in CAD
    ┃▸ Make your own department policies
    ┃▸ Early access to the server once it is fully set up.

    Minimum Joining Requirements
    ┃▸ Must be 15 years of age (No exceptions to this, not even if you are 14)
    ┃▸ Must have a legal copy of GTA 5 (GTA 6 once it comes out). Unless Dispatch
    ┃▸ Must have a working Microphone / Headset
    ┃▸ Must maintain activity
    ┃▸ Must be willing to conduct interviews.
    ┃▸ Understand this community is for PC.


    This community as stated is under strict development and is not set up for patrols yet. So if you are looking to join to immediately get started patrolling this server is not for you. If you are patient, ready & willing to work then join the recruitment / interview discord below then send me a message directly and let me know which area you would like to apply for.