Those of you whom want a sever full l of friendly and creative people, look onward, for we have:
📜 The #1 Rule of No Toxicity
😄 A Safe Community for Anyone
🔨 Prevention of Bullying
👋 Friendly Members
👥 Interactivity and Staff that Works with the Community
🌈 LGBTQ+ Support
📖 A Homebrewing Team
📚 Play by Post Style Campaigns
🤖 A Variety of Fun Bots
💬 Trigger-safe Chats that are PG-13
🎉 And plenty more!
We play D&D (and some other games), try to have fun, and make sure it's an enjoyable experience for everyone! 😁
We're also here to be dumbasses sometimes (cause not everything needs to be super serious and uptight)