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Tango Down

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 69 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 3 years ago
  • fact_check Advertising server
  • About this server
    The rules are
    Do not have any type of racism or calling any names that will offend someone if you wanna do that then ||use the spoiler|| if you don’t know how to do it like this `|| Spoiler||`
    No NSFW• that’s completely bad and could result in a kick or a mute for 48h if you stay holy and don’t do anything bad such as sending any type of nudity or saying something in a nasty offensive way to anyone like a female in the chat than you’ll maybe be kicked or muted but that’s kinda harsh so if you get flirty or anything just ask to dm them, if you do it in the clan than you’ll be muted with the SIMP role for 48h
    Modes and members• just because you’ll have the power to kick someone more the less me able to control them doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want with them you both are overall equal just if a rule is broken than the moderator must do his or her job
    Tryouts and scrims• it’s a basic try out use the gun that’s provided you’ll have 2 rounds the first will be just to see how you work without trying than the second round is trying your best and seeing how far there skill really works, only use the gun provided, if use of a tac or anything you’ll instantly be disqualified and won’t be able to join the clan till further notice
    Final rule• have fun don’t take this as a job have fun socialize and maybe even become best friends, this isn’t a job but more to the less it’s a real team that you can spend time with and talk to however you need to so have a wonderful day and If you read the rules congratulations and give yourself a pat on the back for being a good sport also If you did read the rules react to the role in bottom so I know you read all this.