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  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 5 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 2 years ago
  • videogame_asset Gaming server
  • About this server
    Stitch a story together with Frankenstories—a new online writing game for any number of players. Join our server to play with other Frankenwriters, be the first to learn about new features, and share stories and writing tips with the community.

    How to play:
    1. Get a prompt, consisting of an image and a text prompt.
    2. Write your response within the time and character limits.
    3. Vote for your favourite response to be included in the story.
    4. Build your story together over multiple rounds.

    Frankenstories is in beta, so join our server now to give feedback and help shape the game into what you most want to see.