Hello Streamers & Supporters!!
First let us introduce the Hit Owners: CanadianSilentBob, cuzb0t & OfficialJFGaming and we are the co-owners of The HitMarkers Discord Support Community.
We’re excited to see you make the first step of supporting other streamers while opening the door to your growth as well!!
Are you a streamer who enjoys helping other streams grow? Are you an individual who enjoys helping streamers out by hanging out in their stream? Do you want to be a part of a great young Discord community that is growing? Well we have the place for you!!! Let me introduce The HitMarkers Discord support community!! We are not a follow 4 follow community but more of a support 4 support community. The number one thing all small streamers have to remember is to NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK. The HitMarkers provides not only the networking that is needed to achieve Affiliate or Path to Partner but also provides community events, active streamers and supporters, Twitch Team for additional visibility for The HitMarkers and finally a great group of 247 and growing members!! Come hang out, make new friends, play with new people and continue to grow your brand!!
What we have to offer in our community:
- Hit Owners
- Sr. HitMarkers Chat Mod
- Jr. HitMarkers Chat Mod
- The HitMarkers Twitch Team
- Currently Streaming Auto Role
- SR. HitMarkers Role
- JR. HitMarkers Role
- HitMarkers Supporters
- Verified HitMarkers
When you accept the invite to The HitMarkers Discord please read the welcome channel, rules channel and self-roles channel. Please give yourself your roles and once done react with the welcome channel. We look forward to seeing you in the discord!!
One Mission!! One Goal!! The HitMarkers!! Where Playmakers Make Their MARK!!!