**⨯ R O G U E** **⨯ *N A T I O N* ⨯**
⌗ ◟ * ⨯ ❛ Grab your __controller__ and **G A M E** your heart out!
A **fresh** and exciting place to find __your__ next favorite **content creator**! We're looking to create a **safe space** supporting a group of like-minded, __relatable__ content creators. We will host entertaining and __inclusive__ features such as **tournaments** and **special events** that __you__ can get stuck into.
We look to provide **enjoyable content** for all to enjoy across **many platforms**: (PC, Mobile, PlayStation, XBOX, etc). Tune in, you __won't__ want to miss it.
⌗ ◟ * ⨯ ❛ **F E A T U R E S** :
> ⌈:video_camera:⌋・Daily **featured** streams.
> ⌈:red_circle:⌋・Content **hosting** for your __support__.
> ⌈:milky_way:⌋・Graphic Design __services__ and **opportunities**.
> ⌈:computer:⌋・On-hand __tech__ support **available**.
> ⌈:arrow_up:⌋・Daily **video uploads** and __mini games__.
> ⌈:dollar:⌋・Custom __currency__ and **server store**.
> ⌈:zany_face:⌋・Tons of **custom emotes**.
__**We are looking for a Professional Team Manager to guide us in our careers. You'll be interviewed by the team at a scheduled meeting if interested. DM KagamiKazuto#9708 for more info.**__
⌗ ◟ * ⨯ ❛ So what are you waiting for? **Join us Today**.
``Seeking Staff, contact for more information.``
⨯ https://discord.gg/VcB2v4Z ⨯