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Systems Among Us

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 16 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 4 years ago
  • videogame_asset Gaming server
  • About this server
    This is our Among Us server, Systems Among Us. It's primarily targeted at systems, but as long as you're kind and accepting you're welcome here!

    To reduce trolls and raids, we have a simple verification system that can be completed in a few minutes. We also have:
    - A levelling system!
    - Bots such as Mudae, Unbelievaboat, NQN and PluralKit,
    - Channels for chatting, Among Us trivia, memes,
    - Collectable hat roles from the Unbelievaboat store,
    - And more!

    We look forward to seeing you there! :slight_smile: