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Dream Sequence

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 36 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 3 years ago
  • videogame_asset Gaming server
  • About this server
    If you're interested in game dev, Roblox, gaming, events, and a safe space to hang out and enjoy yourself, Dream Sequence is the place for you. We're one of those servers who are just starting out, and really need a good kickstart to our community! We have a lot of great stuff planned, so if you decide to stick around, that'd be great.

    We're planned to be focused on Roblox and our own Roblox game development progress. But before that, we need a following; so for now, we're a gaming and hangout server! Wanna know what we have? Find out:

    - Future giveaways.
    - Our own unique bot (with music and leveling)!
    - Events like game nights (mostly with *FREE GAMES*, like Roblox,, or Kahoot).
    - Open moderator applications.
    - Consistent interaction from server owners and the staff team. Never feel like you joined for no reason, ever again.
    - Pings are kept to a minimum! Nobody likes that server that pings everyone for the tiniest little thing.