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Christian community

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 19 Emotes
  • call_made 2 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 3 hours ago
  • people Community server
  • About this server
    Christian community is a family friendly Christian server that loves Jesus... this server is where we talk about Christ and make new friends! We belive Jesus is Lord and that he died on the cross and took our punishment so we didnt have to! THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR LOVE FOR US!!!

    What do we offer?


    Custom BibleBot that has 24/7 gospel radio, qotd, daily verse and more!

    Helpline channel with a list of all the hotlines you can think of just in case you need it!

    Verification system to help be sure we have real people and to slow down the trolls!!!

    server feedback channel to give suggestions for the server or feedback on how you think we can improve!!!

    Sunday services and bible studies Sundays and Fridays. You can come hear our Pastors read the word of GOD!!!

    We accept everyone as a child of Christ, we don't care what religion you are because everyone is welcome... believer or nonbeliever!!!

    Why should you join this server?

    You should join this server because we offer so many other things that you will not find in other servers... we also deliver a FREE biblical education, so why not give our server a try today!!!