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MsDevil's Community of Gamers

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 94 Emotes
  • call_made 2 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 3 years ago
  • videogame_asset Gaming server
  • About this server
    You're invited to MsDevils Community of Gamers!

    ⸢ ⸣
    MsDevils Community of Gamers is a community based on focusing to help streamers to meet there goals and gamers meet others to play and socialize with!

    ❥ Movie and game nights!
    ❥ Get help on becoming Affiliate and Partner on Twitch!
    ❥ Have the ability to advertise your stream in our Self Promotions channel (Twitch, Facebook, and YouTube).
    ❥ Meet friendly members and moderators that'll support you with whatever your needs are.
    ❥ We are currently hiring staff to help run the server smoothly (Apply through applications).
    ❥ There are rules and guidelines that are strict and must be followed.

    We hope to see you join to meet new people and make new friends that are interested in the same stuff that you are!
    ⸤ ⸥


    Discord owner: MsDevils#3699 (Message her for partnerships and any questions about the server)
    Discord link: