Stability and security
Tip-bot is hosted on a dedicated server secured with a random-character password and Two Factor Authentication. This ensures high uptime and excellent safety for the funds deposited with Tip-bot.
Certain features have been implemented to minimize the risk of using Tip-bot.
Thorough event logging
Secure command parsing
Command throttling
Spam attack banning
Direct error reports to the developers
SQL input sanitization
Tip-bot has been thoroughly tested, and is so far working perfectly. Anyone can withdraw their crypto at any time with the command !tip withdraw . Before the withdrawal is executed, you are presented with an overview of the withdrawal information for you to accept.
Congratulations, you received cryptocurrency! Cryptocurrency can be sent further, exchanged to real money, or to goods or services. See websites like, Bitrefill or Coinbase. Please keep in mind that if you received a dollar or another fiat tip, its value is bound to the cryptocurrency you received it in, meaning if the cryptocurrency exchange rates go down, the dollar value of your tip will too.