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Virtual Life 18+

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  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 0 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 1 year ago
  • dns Roleplay server
  • About this server
    You have just spawned into...

    "Virtual Life."

    The most exclusive and premiere virtual sandbox role playground channel in all of discord. You are surrounded by a stunning array of portals filled with various different types of landscapes, realms and backdrops. Bustling cities, Enchanted forests, Futuristic Utopias maybe even glimpses of Historical eras that have long since past.

    Stepping into "Virtual life" you are now your alter ego/character persona and you agree to never drop character or interact in the channel out of character. Whoever that character may be wherever that character goes whatever that character does is up to you... Your character limits are only capped by your own creativity and imagination provided they stay within the boundaries of respect, consent and all discord rules and regulations. You may play as whatever you wish. Ie. a Dashing Knight guided by an immoral compass, a secret agent with a particular set of skills, a sexy seductive sorceress etc etc etc or any captivating character you desire.

    Interactions within Virtual life are driven by you the role player and its other active participants. Narratives may be crafted by the collective imagination of all who are currently active. Engage in thrilling dialogue, embark on epic journeys, solve mysteries, experience love friendship or betrayal. Feel the romance the excitement, the suspense, or any theme that captures the essence of your characters "Virtual life"

    You may enter the field of play now by typing your first message. Let the boundaries of your reality fade away and let the limitless world of your imagination take over.

    (All messages must be in movie script/screen play format and must read like audio subtitles on Netflix with somewhat detailed descriptions.)

    "Virtual life."
    Where Imagination Rules and Extraordinary lives are lived.