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LGBT+ Body Shop

Join Server Report
  • sentiment_satisfied_alt 205 Emotes
  • call_made 0 Server Boosters
  • trending_up Bumped 1 year ago
  • people Community server
  • About this server
    πŸ”΄ We're a fitness server specifically for members of the LGBT+ community. We strive to provide a safe and enjoyable server for those wishing to improve their fitness, eating habits, health, and other aspects in their life.
    🟠 There are numerous channels to browse through. These range from multiple exercise channels, to nutrition, to even promotional channels to help users in the community grow!
    🟑 Multiple security bots to ensure that the server is as protected as possible. While we do have a moderation team, they are also human and have lives. If the bots can’t handle the situation, then it will be handled as quickly as possible.
    🟒 A fun leveling system to help encourage users to chat to level up and earn roles that also grant more permissions in the server. Entertainment also includes fun commands from certain bots in the server (who have their own channels dedicated to them).