✨ Welcome to the Fairly Bad AI community! ✨
Our vision is to make AIs more responsible and robust by educating and nurturing them with the community’s help. Our server will be the perfect place if you want to find various learning materials, make friends, and develop your career. We're constantly developing more and more benefits to give you!
FBAI Features 🔥
🔶 Best Practices, Daily AI Content, AI Discussions 🧠
🔷 Level Progress and Character Customization
🔶 Onboarding / Advanced Challenges
🔷 Self-developed Bots: Pumpkin Bot, Fairy Stylist, etc. 🤖
🔶 Generative AI 101 Courses
🔷 Staff Team eager to communicate with you
🔶 Various Learning Materials (Prompt Engineering, Responsible AI, etc.) 📚
🔷 Webinars on various topics, from AI knowledge to career development
Upcoming Features 🚀
🔶 Networking Opportunities: Fireside Chats with Silicon Valley Insiders, etc. 🌐
🔷 Certification For Participating in AI Projects
🔶 Paid Challenges: Cleansing AI Datasets with Bobidi Team 💰
🔷 Grants For Personal Projects: Supporting your dreams
We genuinely value our community to grow with us together.
That’s why we’re eager to hear your opinions & dreams and make them happen.
So join the FBAI community now, and make the better you and the better world.